Saturday, January 6, 2001

RSS Feeds

Trying RSS feeds for the first time is like the first time I tried rice--quite an unremarkable experience. Specifically, subscribing through Bloglines, with it's dull colors, partitioned windows squezzing out the text, is a mundane experience in itself. But I must admit, beyond it's dull aesthetic, Bloglines is useful.

The idea is quite simple. Cut down on your internet communte time and avoid virtual traffic by putting your regular destinations all at one location. It's like teleporting between work and errands. Okay, not really. But it's a great way to get your daily dose of information in a short amount of time.

I see how RSS could be useful for libraries. But beyond the idea of keeping librarians informed of what's going on with other libraries and information technology, etc., I think RSS has other pragmatic and useful purposes. For example, RSS feeds could notify a patron when new items come into circulation. And notify patrons when their reserved item is ready for pickup.

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